New video on the Academy for Suffiziency

The Brandenburg branch of the media initiative “ImWandel” (in the change, has produced and published a video on the academy. The media initiative aims at change toward a solidary and ecological society. It wants to foster exchange and regional networking and to show initiatives nearby.

Here is the link to the film (sorry: in German only).

1000 Gardens - letting grow

The soy has developed well

After some problems with drought and with root voles the soy now is looking quite happy.

So is the rest of the garden and the gardeners...

Sojawachstum  Beet Kohl

Our bed is part of a cultivation experiment of Life Food GmbH/Taifun-Tofuprodukte in co-operation with the Landessaatzuchtanstalt of Uni Hohenheim. The experiment aims at adapting soy for human consumption to the climatic conditions of the Northern Hemisphere. This way, transportation and the competition for land elsewhere can be reduced. Gardeners from all over Germany are participating, in oder to test the adapted soy plants in different locations. 

project website (in German)

Second Summer academy

Thematic focus in 2016: Degrowth -- much wind and few changes?

The summer academy provides a a space for researchers and practitioners that work on the challenges of an economy and society beyond growth. The academy offers room for exchange and discussion, inputs, group work, excursions, a planning game. As location of the event, the Academy for Sufficiency makes the space for experiencing post growth practice. The summer academy invites students, researchers and practitioners alike.

This year, it takes place from 22 to 26 August, 2016. Find some impressions on last year’s experience in the archive (in German) Working language is German. The summer academy is produced by the german Association for Ecological Economics (Vereinigung für Ökologische Ökonomie VÖÖ), the Academy for Sufficiency and supported by other partners.

For more information, please contact corinna.vosse(at)
The application form is here


Academy for Sufficiency awarded with “Werkstatt N” Label

For the fifth time, the Council on Sustainable Development (Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung) has awarded the quality label “Werkstatt N” for exemplary ideas and projects that promote everyday sustainable thought and action. We are proud to be chosen from 380 applications as a project that is sustainable, original, and practical.

The Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung is constituted of 16 personalites that have been chosen by the German chancellor for a period of three years. The council has the mandate to work on a national strategy for sustainability.

Further information on

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